Saturday 26 May 2012

Personal Research

I have been working on this new project , that so far I am running a bit late. The aim of this project is to make you think and work as if it was a real live work situation ...

So I started the research in my area of interest, which is Graphic Design. However, as people know, this is a very big area so I found myself with a lot of material to work with. I wasn't sure which area to concentrate on. I realized that my research was similar to my previous project Another Skin (in that project I created a magazine).  Using my previous project as inspiration, I began researching for how to advertise so I could put my magazine in the market. I realised before I do all of that I needed to make people recognize who made the magazine, or at least have on the market have an identity registered as a graphic designer. So this Personal research project ended up been a very personal topic.

First I started by looking and thinking towards what I wanted as Graphic designer. I came to the conclusion that I want to make my name my brand my logo, with this logo being something that people want to have in t-shirts, cards and posters. So I commenced looking into what the big brands we know for our generation and that we recognize for their typography, colours or images related to their logo. I initiated with researching brand names. What I researched included: what they mean, and how it was generated... I looked at their colours and the reasons why they choose those colours.
After this research topic, I started looking into what I want my logo to look like, keeping in mind the brand research I conducted.

On my tries to create my logo you can see the influences of the artists that I researched to help this project. For example you will see the influence of David Carson and Jonathan Barnbrook.

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