Saturday 26 May 2012

Personal Research Project ( research)

I created a mood board  with the work of these great artists ...
As you can see they have great influences in my work.

Image 1: I started my research by looking into the different types of typography and colours. Then I mixed then all together as an experiment to see what kind of effect I would get, and this is the result.
Image 2:  I played with the size of the letters and moved them behind the background to see the kind of effect I would get.

 Image 3 & 4: I started working on a different logo, after doing small Google search to find out avability and I found out that already existed a graphic design with those initials , and I decided to go with AnaIsee Design :) . I used the colourful background from my first typography research and combined it with the letters to see the type of effect I would get.
Image 5: Another experimentation with the colourful typography; filling the letters with black and merging it with the background typography.

Image 6 & 7: In this image, I tried to fill the background with the main logo anaIsee design in small letters to experiment with the colours black and white.

 Image 8: Same experiment as the above images but with different size letters and the background the writing in different spaces instead of been aligned. 


  1. Ana this has finally come together and the animation puts the whole of the research and development into context.You will have to ensure this is process is displayed to advantage.

  2. Thank you so much for the coment and i will work and try to do my best to display my work .
