Tuesday 12 July 2011

woodcroft wildspace 2

Rebuilding this website I have to take into consideration the organization who they are? What they represent ? What they represent ? What they like? and final for what type of audience the aiming to ?

  • Have to keep their principals in mind and build the website, Email banner with all of that in mind. Simplicity is the key.
  • The complexity of the logo doesn't give me a lot of option my solutions to keel every thing in harmoni with the logo colours, type and animation.
  • On animation level should be kept to the minimum friendly so t can call the attention of the adults and teenagers.  
Email banners

woodcroft wildspace

Woodcroft Wildspace

 From the moment I saw the wild space the only thing I could thing was why aren`t children using it? Why aren’t parents bringing them to it? Why aren’t schools or scouts making more use of this type of access to nature? I have to ask parents and teachers when was the last time you saw your children enjoying a day outside without a mobile phone or video games
I grew up with nature around me, even when it was raining we would still be outside.

In London this is a very rare green space, the parks are not wild and most spaces are disappearing.
The area that I think that needs the most improvement is marketing.  Woodcroft needs to put the word out there that they exist and you can you use their space.
Woodcroft Wildspace needs to show parents and children there is less expensive and healthier outdoor life style out there, full of colours and fun.
I feel that this area needs to be improved because, as a young adult the existing website and leaflet that there is lacks colour excitement and it forgets to show the potential of the place.
The leaflet has too much information that could be shared on the website and other spaces and at times it repeats itself.
My intention is to change the website showing the necessary information, but divide it into different social network sites for example Blogger, Facebook and possibly use pop up ads.
Reason for the use of blogger is because I notice that on their website, they have a page that looks like a diary; they can use the blogger for the diary and still be linked to the webpage so that more teenagers can follow. Facebook will advertise events and keep the Woodcroft members updated and attract young teenage followers.
With the website sharing most of the information with the different social network sites, it will let us post more pictures showing the true beauty that this space can offer.
The definition of pop up ad is a type of window that appears on top of or over the browser widow of website that a user visits.
The reason for the use of a pop up ad is as additional advertisement, it is true they have an element that annoys people but as they come up it is very hard for you to actually ignore them completely there is always something about the pop up ad that is going to stick to your mind specially when people say that an image can say more than a thousand words.
An image from Wildspace will make anyone want to know just a little bit more by taking people to the next step to get more information.
What I would like my outcome to be is with these changes to bring schools, parents and children to know and to use this space to make it easy to follow the activities that exists or possible could exist in Woodcroft. Letting the world know.
I would like to make this space the number one spot for local schools and scouts for activities.
We definitely need to let the government know that we need this place and more places like this around London.

People need to learn that there is more out there than television and computers there are actually trees and wildlife to enjoy.
The materials that I will use will be environmentally friendly and I will use technology to advertise the wild space.
I hope to get people interested in this project and to promote the image of the people who organise volunteer and take care of this wonderful space. 
Woodcroft Wildspace needs an update on everything, starting from the website to directing the approach they have towards the young people and advertising.
There are a lot of activities that they can do on this space starting from team building days to guided research.  

Pop up ad content-Images of the space
-Woodcroft Wildspace title
-( If you want to see more visit the website)
-About first page: Image (Organizations logo and associations), explaining what they are? What they do ?( one image minimum )
-Project page: Concept one or more image.
-Space: Wild live, trees images and description.
-Final about organization, funding, membership
-Linking the blog where the diary is going to be.
-Linking Facebook to announce activities and follow the seasonal changes to the wild space.
-Leaflet keeping writing to the minimum which will show more pictures and invite to make use of the space.

I’m hoping with these extra changes that we can help.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   We could send some information about Woodcroft Wildspace to local charities, to show this place. Call for their attention to help Woodcroft and Woodcroft to help then create fundraising plus activities to have fun and raise money.